Optimind Clinic
Mental health information
What is the Difference between Psychiatrists and Psychologists?
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
Psychodynamic Interpersonal Therapy Mindfulness of Breath: Key to Calm and Peace
Non Judgmental Attitude: Making the World a Better Place
How to Protect Ourselves from Depression
Depression: Must I Take Medication?
What Should I Do when I Can't Sleep?
EXTERNAL LINKS 囤積症 Part 1 (Video) - 東華三院 Radio iCare 囤積症 Part 2 (Video) - 東華三院 Radio iCare 你有焦慮嗎?認識焦慮症及治療 (Video) - 香港專業輔導協會 The Hong Kong Professional Counselling Association
20歲女吸「笑氣」逾2年 致下肢麻木險癱瘓【附醫生詳細解說】 - 晴報 11/11/2019
【汽水當水飲】日飲10罐汽水減壓不停狂嘔 23歲女飲食失調體重暴跌44磅 - 晴報 02/12/2019
褪黑激素可增睡意成失眠救星 精神科醫生拆解副作用、上癮迷思【附解決失眠3大貼士】- 晴報 26/05/2020
減壓要靠欣賞生活小確幸 - 頭條日報 12/12/2020
過度活躍症兒童網上學習易分心 - 蘋果日報 19/01/2021
(ADHD) 放長假真係可以停藥? 醫生:非必要勿亂試 - AM730 16/04/2021
家長壓力的來源 - 打開自閉症兒童的天空 7/10/2021
拆解ADHD孩子 3大症狀 如何界定唔專心、多動、衝動? - 新城健康管家 14/04/2023
當佛學遇上精神心理學 - 香港電台講東講西 28/12/2023